Indian Herbs

Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is one of the most famous plants in the world, and it has been used frequently in history for its medicinal properties. The Aloe Vera plant is easy to grow even in cold climates and many people grow it as a house plant. Aloe Vera extracts can be converted as a juice, applied as a topical lotion or taken in dried extract capsules.

The Indian gooseberry, known locally as Amla, is a tree that is famous for its nutrient rich fruits. It has been a common ingredient in the ancient Indian medicinal practice of Ayurveda. It is a potent source of Vitamin C and also contains iron and calcium.

Holy basil
Holy basil is considered an adaptogen. An adaptogen is natural substance that helps your body adapt to stress and promotes mental balance. The concept of an adaptogen lies in holistic approach. But scientific research shows that holy basil has pharmacological properties to help your mind cope with many types of stress.

Lemongrass, also called fever grass, is a perennial plant with thin, long leaves that is indigenous to many Asian countries. As the name implies, lemongrass smells like lemon, but it tastes milder and sweeter. This herb is used in various Asian cuisines as a flavoring agent due to its strong flavor.